Liam asked me to cut a piece of cheese for him yesterday. He carefully pulled the cheese from the fridge and lugged it my way. Lugged being the operative word because we buy the HUGE hunk of Tillamook cheddar cheese from Costco.
My hands were busy with something else so I asked him to wait a moment. Apparently I was asking too much of him because when I turned around he was trying to open the package himself...with his teeth. They certainly package that cheese well because with all the biting Liam did, amazingly there were no punctures in the plastic!
He must keep you on the ground laughing, becaues I know I was!!
love the donut story. And I totally laugh at the cheese, because my kids LOVE slices of cheese, and they pretend they are mice and eat them in a nibbly way (making a MESS!) They must have some of the same genes. .. ..
Okay, Tabi. I'm Bethany, Rachel's sister in law. Andy's sister. So I posted on my blog about my obession with Dr. Who. My husband grew up watching it and we got hooked on the updated version. Rachel wrote me and told me to check out your Dalek cake. Totally awesome. And I had no idea there was a Dr. Who club at the Y.
So...just wanted to say that I'm glad there are other Dr. Who fans out there! Most people I know think I'm a complete nerd. :)
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