Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Days Like Today

It's days like today that make me love being a mom. With this little boy and his silly smile as a son, who wouldn't want to be a mother!

Liam was especially good today, and I had a blast watching the ducks, eating fruit snacks, and playing soccer with him. We even got to see a REAL police car with a siren, and the police officer even waved at us. I think that might top seeing Mickey Mouse at Disneyland! Add Liam walking into the room with a hose around his waist and explaining that he was a rocket, and the day was completely perfect. Nothing spectacular, but everything special. Just the way I love it.

1 comment:

Alice-Anne said...

I love those kind of days, too...aren't you grateful you are there to catch all those moments?! I always think..."why don't I get as excited about the little things that thrill my kids?" They remind me that life is amazing, in and of itself!