Sunday, July 10, 2011

Liam on Love

Before I repeat the conversation that occurred between Liam and me, I have to explain that at the time "twenty-four" was the biggest number that could possibly exist according to Liam.

Liam: "Mom, do you love me more than twenty-four volcanoes?"
Mom: "Yes."
Liam: "More than twenty-four clouds?"
Mom: "Yes Liam."
Liam: "More than twenty-four pirates, twenty-four treasures, and twenty-four squids!?"
Mom: "You've got it."
Liam: "More than anything?"
Mom: "More than anything."

Contrast that with his comment a few days later:

Liam: "Mom, I love you more than Kleenex boxes. More than boogers."

I love you more than boogers too kiddo. Even more than twenty-four boogers.