Saturday, February 12, 2011


I'm not really one to get all mushy, but I just have to say that I love being married to my husband. Life with Will is always exciting. Just ask the kids. No one can get down on their level and play pretend like he can. (Or for as long as he can for that matter!)

He is patient, understanding, and supportive. The calm to my anxiety. The yin to my yang. My best friend and most trusted adviser. 

Every night before bed Will affirms how much he loves being a dad, and it is obvious in the love he shows for our children. There is never any doubt in my mind that he loves us more than anything, and we sure love him back.


Alice-Anne said...

This was so guys are such a great pair.

Rae said...

Oh. . . . I love it! I love you two!! It was so fun to see you this month. Thanks for being who you are--you are great!!