Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Will!

We recently celebrated Will's birthday. Birthday plans included going to the Disney Store and buying Liam a toy, watching Space Chimps in a real theater, getting a Jamba juice, visiting the duck pond...wait this sounds more like Liam's birthday. It's what Daddy wanted to do. We also had Chick-Fil-A for lunch...a very Daddy thing and got a movie from Redbox...also another Daddy thing.

The best part of Will's birthday was that he got to spend the WHOLE day with us.

I know all that sounds like a lot for one was. We ended up having to spread the festivities over the whole week! He's such a wonderful daddy and husband, he definitely deserved more than just a day of celebration.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Your family is beautiful Will and Tabi,(this is Liz Holman from La Grande, I knew Will in HS.) I saw your blog on the Kevan blog. You look very happy and so picture-esk (not spelled right). I just started a blog as well its Congratulations.