Thursday, May 1, 2008

Liam is Growing Up!

My little boy turns two this week and has been trying extra hard to show me that he has entered the "terrible twos." In the past three days he has pulled all the tape out of a cassette tape which I painstakingly had to rewind, dumped laundry detergent all over the floor, stuck a hand towel in the toilet and then up to his face (gross!), poured a Costco sized jar of parsley flakes all over the floor just this morning, and constantly pulls the DVDs off the shelf and opens them one by one and puts them in the CD player. I'm sure I'm missing something. Oh yeah! Yesterday, he crawled out of his crib or fell out. I'm not really sure. I just heard a thud and then the pitter-patter of little feet in the hall. I really am an attentive mother; he's just so dang fast!

But as he grows more troublesome, he also grows sweeter. He asks "Ok?" whenever I cough just to make sure I'm alright. He's also started to go to people and give them hugs when asked, or rather, let them hug him.

Today he did a very "big boy" thing. He asked if he could sleep on the twin bed in his room instead of his crib at naptime, and he stayed there the whole time! My baby's not a baby anymore. Here are a couple of pictures I stealthily took as he slept. Such a little boy in such a big bed.

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