Sunday, November 15, 2009

The impossible can become possible...

...if you're awesome." -Rhino the hamster

Speaking of impossible or rather nigh is the much anticipated Halloween post. Blogging has been at the bottom of my list and the back of my mind for a while now. Laundry, however, has been up to my ears and in front of my eyes...both clean and dirty. Liam is convinced that clean laundry on the couch makes a great hideout to tunnel into. Says something about how often it's there now doesn't it? I'm great at the washing and drying part thanks to good ol' Maytag but the folding and putting away need improvement. I am happy to report that tonight the laundry is all folded and ready to be put away in the morning. That is if it escapes further tunneling by my little three-year-old mole.

Laundry, hmm? I felt so focused when I started this post.

Let's move on to the pictures, shall we?

This year's theme: Disney's Bolt. Liam is, of course, the titular character, Mommy the female supporting role, Penny, Teagie the adorable one, a cat named Mittens, and Daddy, the villain known as the "Green-eyed Man."

Trick-or-treating started at our house, of course, with one last practice round before hittin' the neighbors up for treats. Can't let all the other kids get all our candy right?

Obviously it was quite the exciting experience for Teagie who spent most of the night like this:

But she looked fabulous anyway. (Name that Pixar movie reference. It becomes easier when you have a three year old. Trust me.)

...and the resemblance was uncanny.

Mommy and Liam weren't half bad either.

Great weather, great friends, great treats. What more could we ask for? A bigger Halloween sack perhaps?

Pure awesome-ness. Be-awesome-ness.